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24 août 2013, 21:14
gyvillar rejoint Loomji
En quelques mots...
Consultant New London Orchestra with Ronald Corp. Administrator and Festival Director of the Festival European Dicoveries in London EC1. Celebrating Music from the nominated European Capital of Culture. PR Consultant of The Conservatorio Profesional Ataulfo Argenta in...
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Consultant New London Orchestra with Ronald Corp. Administrator and Festival Director of the Festival European Dicoveries in London EC1. Celebrating Music from the nominated European Capital of Culture. PR Consultant of The Conservatorio Profesional Ataulfo Argenta in Santander (North of Spain) where he organizes musical events. As a musicologist and critic, Osvaldo, is a regular contributor to the musical press and leading academic publications. His reviews and articles appear in journals including Musical Opinion, Tempo, Classical Music, Classical Piano, Opera Now, Music and Vision, The Times Supplements, Musical Times and The Strad. He plays the euphonium and has recorded CDs.<br /> Osvaldo is Research Associate and Associate Lecturer with the Open University and has contributed articles on 19th and 20th century music to The New Grove II, MGG, and Collins Classical Music Encyclopaedia, with forthcoming books on Wagner and Berthold Goldschmidt.<br /><br /> Osvaldo is regularly commissioned to write program notes for concerts in major venues and music societies. <br /> Osvaldo is a brilliant Classical Music Broadcaster: Radio National of Spain RNE, Fund Raiser of the Classical Music Festival Clerkenwell Music Series in London.